As weekends go, this one was very enjoyable, and for a change it wasn't anything to do with birds!!
The reason I was enjoying myself so much, was because my nephew and his partner were down from Yorkshire. It was great to see them both again, and it also meant I got to meet my great-nephew Matthew, for the first time :-) . Matthew is almost six months old, absolutely gorgeous and is the best behaved little baby we have ever known.
Sunday 24th February 2008
On Sunday afternoon we went for a walk at Farlington Marshes, and managed to find another five birds for the year list. The only photo I took today, was of Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth (taken in Gosport) - well, you couldn't not notice it.......
Spinnaker Tower - Soaring 170 metres (557 feet) into the sky.....
102. grey plover
103. whimbrel
104. avocet
105. snipe
106. lesser black-backed gull