Sunday 26 August 2007

The Wheel of Life

Sunday 26th August 2007

dragonfly mating wheel

The wheel of life keeps turning and today I became a Great Aunt for the first time - so Congratulations to my niece L-J her hubby Paul and their new born baby daughter.

I didn't go very far today as my laptop is playing up again and I spent most of the day reading through books I really don't understand!! My nephew usually sorts out any computer problems for me but I thought I would give him a break and try my best to sort it myself (fingers crossed).

Yesterday we went down to Keyhaven again and here are some of the sights seen on our walk.

the walk from Keyhaven to Pennington with the Isle of Wight in the distance.


little egrets

cows taking a dip!



Saturday 25 August 2007

Wheatears at Keyhaven

Friday 24th August 2007

What a difference a day makes, that cold wind of yesterday had departed and in it's place was a dry, warm and from time to time sunny day, but why did I feel a bit confused? Oh was a Bank Holiday weekend, good weather? surely I must be dreaming?

No, I wasn't dreaming it really was a nice day so after a hospital appointment we headed down to Keyhaven arriving there around 2pm and we even managed to park for free!

What can I tell you about Keyhaven that I haven't already said before. It is one of my favourite places to go birding but it is also a nice place to walk or just to be.

Something happens there, the people have smiles on their faces and they say Hello or Good Afternoon and the birders are just the best. We were only out of the car five minutes when a lady birder came over to tell us where to find some Wheatears and Winchats, very nice of her to do that.

grey heron

We spent hours down there, we walked the seawall to Pennington and back again. We just took our time checking out all the lagoons along the way and there were lots of lovely birds to see.


The best bird for me was the Wheatear as I had never seen one before and we had a pair of them flying up and down the lane in front of us, then behind us then walking on the path with us, very friendly birds. Unfortunately we didn't see the Winchat, but sure you can't have everything can you?

135. wheatear

Tuesday 21 August 2007

Where have all the birds gone?

Tuesday 21st August 2007


Bird wise It hasn't been a great month for me - I've hardly been out birding at all and it is beginning to get me down. Even the blackbirds and blue tits have gone from our garden and I haven't seen the local swifts for a few days now. It's such an addiction, I'm definitely having withdrawal symptoms!!

No I'm baking instead.

On the good news front we finally took the plunge and bought a scope!! We went for the Nikon ED50 in the end as it is small, lightweight and so much easier to carry than the scope we were thinking of getting. The other good thing is that it only cost one third of the price!!

I'll tell you more about it after the weekend, in the meantime I'm off for some scones...........