Monday 7 July 2008

Moving On.....

Monday 7th July 2008

My life seems to be moving in all directions these days, so I've decided it's time to put this blog to bed.... I'll pop back at the end of December with an update of this years list.

Best wishes

Eve xxxxx

Saturday 5 July 2008

Childhood Memories and a Belfast Fox.....

Saturday 5th July 2008

Two weeks ago I arrived in Northern Ireland for a holiday. I've been staying with my nephew in Belfast, a city I don't know very well, but I've been able to spend lots of time back in my home town and villages in County Armagh where I grew up. I've had the most wonderful time over here and I've decided to come back here to live, later on this year....

Some of the childhood books my brother had kept for me...

Ten minutes after I arrived in Belfast a Hooded Crow was spotted, then this morning as I was packing up ready to go home, I saw this little fox in the front garden....

Belfast fox...

As for birds.....well, my brother told me of a good spot to see Dippers, but they didn't appear when I went looking for them..... so no more birds to add to the year list.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Three more birds for the year list....

In between all the snowballs, potato apple bread and cream cookies etc.... I have managed to find three more birds for the year list.

147. willow warbler - coleraine
148. grasshopper warbler - peatlands park, dungannon
149. tree sparrow - portmore lough