Birds.... I cannot believe I have added black guillemots to my garden birds list!! Or maybe I should say, birds seen from the house list! Yes, four black guillemots flying towards the Lough on Tuesday, means I now have 40 birds on the list. Who would have thought I would end up living in such a brilliant place?? Even as I type this, the only sounds I can hear are the birds in my back garden. I must post some photos one day, so you can see where I am.

black guillemots
Buns..... Well, have I already mentioned that April is the busiest month I have for relatives and friends birthdays? Even the two girls next door have April birthdays, so I've been baking buns again!

fairy cakes
Butterflies... The temperature went up a couple of degrees today and the wind has dropped which means butterflies on the wing. I saw a few blues, possibly holly blues, and some orange tips.

orange tip
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