It's that time of year again - the Autumn Equinox - when day and night are of equal duration before the descent into increasing darkness. Now the balance of the year has changed, the wheel has turned and sadly summer is over.
Last Autumn was my first one as a birder and it really changed things for me. Instead of dreading the darker days coming, I now had lots of birds to go out and see.
The Brent Geese coming back for the winter, the Great Northern and Red Throated Divers on Southampton Water, that pesky Great Grey Shrike to look for and with the leaves off the trees a chance to see a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker!!
Then of course there are all the little birds at the feeders at Blashford - definitely worth going out for, whatever the weather.
Our garden has been bird free for a month or so but last week a little robin appeared and has decided to stay, so already things are looking up!
I hope you enjoy the Autumn Equinox wherever you are.