dartford warbler
There has been a Scaup at Normandy Lagoon for over a week, so we decided to go down to Lymington and have a look for it.
What a beautiful day, bright blue sky, not too cold and signs of spring everywhere. I had another bumblebee in the house a couple of days ago and my own crocus and daffodils are beginning to appear. I am even thinking of mowing the lawn next week as already the grass needs cutting!
We arrived in Lymington and headed down to Normandy Lagoon. There are gorse bushes along the way and we had a nice surprise when a couple of Dartford Warblers popped out to say hello, and even stayed long enough for a photo!
At the lagoon we saw Little Grebe, Wigeon, Tufted Ducks, Lapwings, Little Egret, Ringed Plover, Teal, Red Breasted Mergansers, Greenshank, Redshank, Curlew, the Scaup and then I spotted something else...........a pair of Goldeneye!!! No mistaking them and as I have been hoping to see a Goldeneye for ages, I am very happy indeed! All in all a great day out!
72. collared dove
73. dartford warbler
74. little grebe
75. scaup
76. ringed plover
77. goldeneye
You are catching me up!! I have never seen a Dartford warbler. Hopefully I will get some more when I go to visit my sister in Scotland tommorrow.
It's not a competition you know!
Enjoy your trip to Scotland
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