We decided to have a look for some Fieldfares today, a bird I have never knowingly seen before.
Last year we saw lots of mistle thrushes at Janesmoor Pond on Stoney Cross in the New Forest, so we thought we would try there for the fieldfares. It wasn’t to be I’m afraid, there wasn’t even one duck on the pond! So we headed on to Cadmans Pool.
As we pulled into the car park a lady was leaving some food for the birds and replenishing the feeders on the tree. How nice of the locals to look after the wee birds. She then threw some food on the pond for the ducks and canada geese.
We had a walk along the track on the car park side but the only thing we saw was a kestrel looking for it’s next meal. So off we went across the road and it wasn’t long before I spied a couple of thrush looking birds in the distance. As I put the binoculars up, another four birds landed beside the first two, and yes, I could see they were all fieldfares. We tried as best we could to get closer to them for a better look, but as we moved a couple of feet nearer, they moved further away and eventually flew off!
84. fieldfare
Oh, and Good Luck to my sister for Wednesday evening, I'm sure it will be a great success!