Up to eighty-five percent of the world population of Light- bellied Brents, congregate in Strangford Lough in October. Which is why we are visiting Castle Espie once or twice a week, to see the birds arrive. It is a wonderful sight to see.
In the autumn of 2007, almost thirty thousand Light-bellied Brent Geese were counted in Strangford Lough. However they don't all stay, as by early winter they will have spread down the Irish coastline.
Now I have a treat for you! A little poem..
This one is by a very special nine year old girl. She visits me most days, loves drawing pictures, making cards, jewellery, and writing little poems. She wrote this for me, as she knows I love birds. I love it, hope you do too...
I'm Free
I am free
like a bird in the sky
soaring high
soaring low
like a bow in your hair
I am free
By Hannah T.