Today I have the house all to myself. That doesn't happen very often, so I am enjoying the peace and quiet...
I've been watching the birds and butterflies in our garden. I love it when a new bird appears. That happened a few days ago, when three, very yellow breasted willow warblers turned up. They are smashing little birds, who are heard before they are seen..... I only wish I had a longer lens for my camera..
I like butterflies and moths, so I've decided to take part in the Big Butterfly Count. It runs from 24th July until 1st August and involves spending 15 minutes in a chosen place recording butterflies and day-flying moths.
I woke up this morning at 5am, with Raggle Taggle Gypsy, playing in my head. It's one of those tunes I have to clap my hands to. So I quickly found it on YouTube, played it loudly, and had a dance around the room! What a good way to start the day...
Rain was forecast for the afternoon, so we made the most of a bright morning and headed down to the Lough. Not much on the bird front, just the usual gulls, herons and terns.
flowers and grasses from the garden
Back at the house, our garden vegetable patch has been very successful. So far we've had new pototoes, beetroot, carrots, lettuce, scallions, courgettes.... and various herbs. Not bad for a first attempt!
We don't have many flowers in the garden, but I did grow some sweet peas.