Wednesday 14th May 2008
I do love this time of year, especially when the weathers good, and thankfully, this May we have had lots of good weather.

reflections of a black headed gull
We went to Keyhaven on Saturday morning, it was such a nice experience. Hardly anyone about..... which was fine by me. We weren’t looking for anything in particular. To tell the truth, I was happy just to be out walking by the sea, and if we saw some nice birds, well that would be a bonus.

keyhaven quay
It's not just the birds though.... This time of year you can’t help but notice the bright yellow gorse, all along the edge of the pathway, and lots of other wild flowers and grasses too.

A Swan was sitting on it’s nest not far from the pathway. I was watching her, when she climbed down, revealing one egg. I had to laugh, she was only off the nest one minute, when her mate arrived and appeared to tell her off for leaving the egg.

We did find one bird for the year list, a Spoonbill on Keyhaven lagoon. Further along we saw, a Little Ringed Plover, some Shellducks, Reed Buntings, Whitethroats, Common and Little terns.....and heard some Cetti's and Sedge Warblers.

New Forest pony with foal
136. spoonbill