Saturday 7th April 2007
We were down in Lymington this afternoon and walked along the seawall. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary but the weather was so good it was just nice to be out and about.
Yesterday the bird list was at 99 and I was speculating as to which bird we would see next! A Peregrine would be a good one to take us to 100, I thought......
Well, you can imagine how excited I felt when we were driving home through the New Forest and there on top of a dead tree was a Peregrine! Yes! a Peregrine!
I went straight into panic mode trying to get the camera from the back seat, not wanting to miss anything, so trying to get a good look through the binoculars at the same time!!
We were only 10 feet or so away from it but of course it flew off a few minutes later and luckily for us it only flew 20 feet or so further into the gorse.
We sat watching it for a few minutes and then it flew across the road and landed again. We couldn't believe our eyes when we noticed another one. How cool was that! Two Peregrines a few feet apart!
We tried to get a bit closer to them but the one we had been watching decided to fly off into the distance. The other one stayed put.
I took lots of photos but I knew we were too far away for them to be any good so I decided I had to get out of the car and try to get nearer.
It was all very exciting, I managed to get 20 feet or so closer and took some more photos before it flew off. Unfortunately the light wasn't great and I was still not close enough so the photos are pretty poor.
Still I can't complain, not one but two Peregrines, the list now at 100 and a beautiful sunset too! Happy birding everyone!

New Forest sunset
100. peregrine